Adding a bin site or additional load?
Safety regulations and proximity to overhead power lines should always be considered.
If you are considering a plan for a new grain bin or reconstruction of an existing bin's site, please contact Slope at 701-579-4191 or 800-559-4191 so we can assist you in maintaining a safe environment for you and your family.
Bins require clearance from power lines
Our farmers work hard to get the job done, and sometimes it’s easy to forget all the necessary steps to take when practicing safe operations. Whether you are purchasing new grain bins or remodeling areas that contain existing ones, proximity to overhead power lines must be a considered factor.
- Safe clearance. The National Electrical Safety Code requires an 18-foot minimum vertical clearance from the highest point of the filling port of the grain bin to nearby high-voltage wires and a 55-foot minimum distance from the power line to the grain bin wall.
- Filling grain bins. Maintain an adequate high-wire clearance when using a portable auger, conveyor or elevator to fill your grain bin.
- Moving equipment near grain bins. When moving equipment, such as a hopper or a scaffold, be aware of nearby power lines. Remember to maintain a 10-foot clearance to ensure safety.
Accidents can happen in a split second, which is why Slope Electric Cooperative reminds you to always use caution when working near power lines. If you are considering a plan for a new grain bin or reconstruction of an existing bin’s site, please contact Slope Electric and let us assist you in maintaining a safe environment for you and your family.