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Slope Electric Cooperative members gather in New England for 2024 Annual Meeting 

Nearly 100 Slope Electric Cooperative members gathered in New England for Slope Electric Cooperative’s 79th Annual Meeting on June 6. The meeting began promptly at 5 p.m. with a roast beef dinner and games of bingo played upon adjournment of the business meeting. Upon registration members received an appreciation gift and were welcome to enjoy popcorn and check out the safety booth before the meeting commenced.  

Slope Electric Cooperative president, Steven Wagner welcomed and thanked members for attending the annual meeting. Taylor Sonsalla, daughter of Andrew and Alicia Sonsalla sang the National Anthem and the Hettinger County 4-H Club lead the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance. Members listened to cooperative updates from co-managers, Travis Kupper and Jason Bentz along with operations manager, Dean Volk; manager of membership relations, Brooke Waltner; and chief financial officer, Alex Craigmile.  

Three director service awards were recognized for their years of dedication to Slope Electric: Jerry Caron, 35 years; Chip “HJ” Fischer, 5 years; and Charlotte Meier, 5 years.  

Slope Electric board directors, Dale Hande and Lauren Klewin were honored for their years of service to the board. Hande retired after six years of serving and Klewin after 27 years.  

Slope Electric Board Directors elected and bylaws adopted 

The membership fulfilled Cooperative Principle #2, democratic member control, by voting to fill two Slope County board positions. The new directors representing Slope County are Cheryl Van Daele from Rhame and Ryan Jacobson from Rhame.   

Along with voting for director for the Slope County position, the membership voted to accept four amendment resolutions, which passed.  

Member focused programs and grants  

Bill Gion, Slope Electric member, and president of the Operation Roundup board of directors, highlighted the charitable foundations 2023 giving. In 2023 the Operation Round Up board awarded $12,000 to deserving non-profit corporations, organizations and individuals in the service area. Gion noted that currently approximately 70% of the membership participate in rounding up their bill for the grant funding.  

Youth recognized and awarded 

Annually Slope Electric awards scholarships to students in its service area. This year five Luck-of-the- Draw scholarships were awarded to three full-time and two full-or part time students who are Slope Electric members or dependents of. Three students were chosen for a $1,000 scholarship: Jaren Rafferty, New England, ND; Jayda Seim, Lemmon, SD; and Emberly Van Daele, Rhame, ND. While two students were selected for a $500 scholarship: Julia Dalley, Hettinger, ND and Megan Monke, Regent, ND.  

Also recognized was the recipient of the $1,000 Basin Electric Power Cooperative scholarship, Bailey Urlacher from New England, ND.  

Landon McKitrick from Bowman, ND was recognized as the Slope Electric North Dakota Youth Tour recipient. McKitrick will join delegates from across the state and nation to learn from and about each other while participating in events that showcase our nation’s rich history, U.S. government, the cooperative business model and rural electrification. 

Members recognized for participating 

Upon adjournment members gathered for supper prepared by Feel Good Coffee Company. As members finished up their meal, bingo began and members were awarded prizes donated by various partners. Additional door prize drawings included a kid’s prize, safety booth gift and a progressive drawing.  

The board of directors, co-general managers and staff at Slope Electric wish to thank members for participating in the annual meeting of the membership and look forward to meeting members’ electrical needs in the future.